Welcome to Strong Body Pilates

Here’s what you need to know

Pilates is a practice that requires consistency. You will have goals and challenges within your goals. This is part of the process. Our teachers will support you during the large and small bumps in the road. Quality is stressed over quantity. Some benefits begin immediately and others surface over time. The body goes through stages, fights illness, and adapts to the world around, which is why sticking with it will help your life.

New Client Offer

Three 55-minute private lessons @ $265

A taste of Pilates. During this series your teacher will create a strong foundation in which to build upon. This series should be completed within a 1- 1½ week period. The closer in time the lessons are booked the better the results.

Your First Lesson 

Be sure to arrive at least 10 minutes early to allow ample time to finish registration. Visit our FAQ page for more information on our location, parking, what to wear, and more.

Be ready to switch between various positions and equipment during your given routine. This will be followed by very specific exercises tailored to your needs. Although it may feel unfamiliar at first, don't worry—you will repeat much of the routine after your first lesson. Remember, skills take time to develop and will improve with practice.

Make lasting change that makes a difference in how you look, feel, and move.

Here’s How Pilates Can Help:

Aging and Mobility

You are as young as you feel, and as Joe Pilates contends, the pliability and function of your spine directly relate to your quality of life. Many of our older clients practice Pilates to maintain optimal balance, strength, and function, enabling them to keep up with kids and grandkids, delay the use of mobilization aids like wheelchairs, and maintain the energy to enjoy activities with friends and family.

Work-Related Benefits

Sedentary jobs and jobs that require repetitive motion create weakness, imbalance, and added stress. Pilates rebalances, rejuvenates, and reestablishes healthy movement patterns, thereby preventing injury and keeping you functionally moving throughout life.

Post-Surgery Recovery

Regain strength and mobility after surgery, and increase strength and function before surgery to ensure a faster, easier recovery. Pilates can help you rebuild your body's capabilities and facilitate a smoother rehabilitation process.

Athletic Performance

Athletes practice Pilates to improve their game by increasing stamina and reaction time, preventing injury, and diminishing pain. This comprehensive approach enhances overall athletic performance and resilience.

Mind-Body Connection

Pilates is an unprecedented mind-body practice that not only reduces stress but also develops concentration, connection, and control. This method, originally referred to as body Contrology, culminates in increased confidence, vitality, and an overall sense of well-being that proliferates throughout all aspects of life.

Discover the joy of Pilates and transform your body, mind, and spirit.