Group Pilates Classes

Step into The Vault for our signature group class experience, where sessions run the way Joseph Pilates taught in his own studio. The Vault fosters a true personalized practice. Students work independently at their own pace on exercises appropriate for their level and receive tailored guidance from the teacher.

Who is the group class for?

For those who have learned several fundamental exercises, understand how to set their own equipment, follow safe body placement and movements, keep track of the correct number of repetitions for the best quality, and can move along with a flow. It is expected that students can integrate new skills as they progress, without fully relying on the teacher. It generally takes around 10 private lessons to get to this point.

Look inside the Vault



The VaultCost
Single Class$ 45
6 Classes$ 240
12 Classes$ 425
18 Classes$ 595

24-hour cancellation applied to all bookings